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How can I protect my roof temporarily? the roof that has been damaged by a storm?

Feb 19


If your roof is affected by severe storm damage, it's essential that you call roofing services in Mesa Arizona, or local to you. There are likely to be numerous people who are in the same situation. If you contact a professional public adjuster in Phoenix, the quicker your roof damaged roof can be repaired.

As time passes the time comes to protect your exposed roof as a priority. Exposure to hail, heavy rain, or strong winds could cause roof damage and home security issues.

Placing a tarpaulin over the affected areas in case of a situation of emergency will dramatically reduce the chance of water damage or leakage into your home.


What to Do?

If your roof was damaged by a major storm:

  • You can reduce interior leaks by replacing damaged flashing or roofing flashing. This will cause water to leak into your home and further rain. You must go to your attic and place buckets on open areas in order to collect rainwater. The buckets must be regularly emptied.

  • Clean out any water that is in your attic.

Safety First!

  • Don't try to climb up onto your roof in wet weather or while the shingles are damp. This could be risky and slippery.

  • Never stand on a wet tarp, and never sit directly on a roof that has a steep pitch.

  • Do not attempt to fix the roof or put a tarp over storm damage as a storm develops.

  • Always enlist an adult partner to assist you with urgent roof repairs like Select Adjusters.

  • Use a tarpaulin to temporarily safeguard your roof. You can temporarily protect your roof until you can get help from a professional adjuster. A tarp made of plastic is needed to completely cover the area damaged. It should be at least one meter in width. The tarp must be attached to the rooftop using pieces of wood (two-by-four) and screws

    • Use one end of the tarp onto one piece of wood. Then anchor it to the wood using screws. The tarp needs to be fixed to the roof at least one meter above the affected area by screws. Roll the tarp down the roof's slope over the exposed area until a meter below it and roll the other end of the tarp in a piece of wood, securing it in the same way as previously.

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Select Adjusters
2152 S Vineyard #136, Mesa, AZ 85210, United States